
Links I love…

A day in the life of dohhead
“One man’s ongoing grail for perfection in baking, and his obsession with fish caught on the fly…”
The entertaining and heartwarming blog of a pastry chef in Montreal, who documents food creation and the goings-on of the pasticceria where he works. Then he posts  pictures and videos of what he bakes to make people outside Montreal salivate and suffer.

The writings of a lovely Miami native I’ve known since, oh, age five or six. She writes about pop culture, fashion, the arts, and concerts. Among other things. Blog is replete with wonderful photographs.

Ham and Histoire
Has quickly become a favorite of mine, as it celebrates three major passions of mine–travel, history and food. Really well-written travel posts that achieve that elusive feat of taking your mind to the place you’re reading about. Also fun entries on foods and cooking experiments.

The blog of a fearless adventurous soul, soon to embark on a two-year assignment to Mali, West Africa. I admire this great gal!

“What would you be doing today if you only had 37 days to live?”
The blog of a woman whose stepfather was diagnosed with lung cancer, then died 37 days later. The 37-day span of time stuck with her, and she writes about making the most of your days, your moments, your friendships and other relationships. Great articles and exercises.

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